
The course syllabus can be found here.

Every weekly session has three sections.

  • Read: This page contains the slides and optional reading for the week.
  • HW: This page contains any problem sets for the week.
  • Try: This page contains example code from each week’s content.

Fundamentals Read HW Code
8/22 Week 1: Introduction & Logistics
8/29 Week 2: Scientific Studies of Political Science
9/5 Week 3: APSA (no class)
9/12 Week 4: Basic Research Design
9/19 Week 5: Measurement
9/26 Week 6: Hurricane (no class)
10/3 Week 7: Probability I
10/10 Week 8: Probability II + III
10/11, 9-5PM Midterm Exam
10/17 Week 9: Fall Break (no class)
10/24 Week 10: Inference and Bivariate Hypothesis Testing
10/31 Week 11: Multiple Regression
11/7 Week 12: Guest Speaker
11/14 Week 13: Multiple Regression and Model Specification
11/21 Week 14: Interaction Model
11/28 Week 15: Thanksgiving Break
12/5 Week 16: Prediction
Dec 9th, 11:59PM Final Project Due